Jose Silvas Everyday Esp With Audio Cd


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Binding : PB
Audio MP3 CD included

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Jose Silva’s Everyday ESP will help you tap into your natural ability of ESP and understand hidden information to better all areas your life, including health, wealth, and relationships. Imagine you had a guide who knew what lies ahead, and who could direct you to success and happiness. Here you will how to obtain guidance from higher intelligence to make good decision and to fulfill your life’s purpose. This book features the scientifically proven Silva Dynamic Mediation System, developed by world renowned parapsychologist Jose Silva. Now is the time to live the successful life that higher intelligence envisioned for you. As Jose Silva used to say, “May the rest of your life, be the best of your life.” About The Author: Jose Silva Jr. is one of the last inks to his father’s pioneering research in developing peoples’ natural, God-giving ESP. Jose was one of the three incorporates of Silva International, the corporation that still manages the original course…….

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